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Analysis and Solution of Common Defects in Photovoltaic Modules

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  During the production process of photovoltaic modules, there are inevitably some adverse phenomena and problems. How to ensure the high quality and qualification rate of components is a concern for every manufacturer. The following are some common issues and solutions that may arise during the production process of components.

  1、 Uneven back film of components

  Reason analysis: Excess EVA will stick to high-temperature cloth and adhesive board; The quality of solar panel materials is not high.

  Solution: Purchase a better rubber plate, clean the high-temperature cloth every time, and promptly clean the residual EVA on the rubber plate; Use solar panels with good quality and appropriate thickness, do not blindly pursue low costs, and purchase some panels with average quality and thin thickness.

  2、 The busbar bends inward

  Reason analysis: Under lamination, more gas will accumulate at the position of the busbar. The plywood is pressed down to extract gas from the component, and this gap should have better fluidity to be filled with EVA. The flow of EVA curved the original straight busbar; Shrinkage of EVA.

  Solution: Adjust the lamination process parameters, extend the vacuum pumping time, and reduce lamination; Choose better materials.

  3、 Hair and garbage in components

  Reason analysis: Due to the presence of static electricity in EVA, solar backboards (such as 3) M, Megaphone, cars, etc., floating hair, dust, and some small garbage are sucked onto the surface; When stacking, it is not guaranteed that there is no hair or garbage when the body is working above the components; Some small flying insects, such as mosquitoes, die by crawling into the components.

  Solution: Do a good job in 6S management, keep the surrounding work environment clean, wash clothes and pants frequently, and do personal hygiene; Adjust the process, optimize the stacking process, and change the single person feeding to two people; Improve workshop cleanliness, control channels, install mosquito lamps, and reduce the entry of small flying insects.

  4、 There are bubbles in the component

  Cause analysis: The EVA film has been cut, left for too long, and is affected by moisture; If some of the EVA film materials themselves are of low quality, the EVA manufacturer may partially or completely use domestic raw materials; The solar panel has been placed for too long or stored in a poor environment, resulting in moisture; The vacuum is too short, and the pressure cannot drive out bubbles; Insufficient lamination; The temperature of the heating plate is uneven, and some parts are cured in advance; If the lamination time is too long or the temperature is too high, it will cause the decomposition of organic peroxides and generate oxygen; The wetting angle is greater than 90 ° for the foreign object, and there is gas next to the foreign object.

  Solution: Control daily use of EVA. Every employee should be aware of daily production tasks; The materials are determined by the manufacturer, so try to choose better materials as much as possible; Bake the cut solar panel in the oven for 1-2 minutes to remove any moisture; Adjust the lamination process parameters to ensure appropriate vacuum pumping time; Increase lamination. (This can be achieved by adjusting the lamination time or by placing another layer of high-temperature cloth on top of it, heating the components evenly (with a large temperature difference of less than 4 ° C); The total lamination time is determined based on the parameters provided by the manufacturer to avoid excessive time; Attention should be paid to 6S management, especially during the stacking process, to avoid foreign objects falling into it as much as possible.

  5、 There are fragments in the photovoltaic module

  Reason analysis: Uneven welding during the welding process, with accumulation of tin or slag, and crushing of battery cells during vacuum pumping; Originally, the battery pack was damaged and laminated too early. EVA also has good liquidity; When lifting the component, the gesture is unreasonable, and both hands are pressed against the battery pack.

  Solution: Firstly, check the welding quality of the welding area, strengthen targeted training for employees, and ensure welding molding; Adjust the lamination process, increase the vacuum pumping time, and reduce the lamination pressure (by adjusting the lamination time); Control all aspects, improve the quality of laminating personnel, and ensure the correctness of lifting gestures.

  High quality and conversion efficiency, as a very important component of photovoltaic power generation systems, are the guarantees of power generation. Therefore, in the process of selecting components, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the quality of the manufacturer's products, whether they have passed professional testing, component prices, after-sales guarantee, etc.
